
A Function as a Service tool makes a function as a container-based service in seconds.

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Poor man's function as a service.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Usage


fx is a tool to help you do Function as a Service on your own server, fx can make your stateless function a service in seconds, both Docker host and Kubernetes cluster supported. The most exciting thing is that you can write your functions with most programming languages.

Feel free hacking fx to support the languages not listed. Welcome to tweet me @_metrue on Twitter, @metrue on Weibo.

Language Status Contributor Example

Go Supported fx /examples/Golang

Rust Supported @FrontMage /examples/Rust

Node Supported fx /examples/JavaScript

Python Supported fx /examples/Python

Ruby Supported fx /examples/Ruby

Java Supported fx /examples/Java

PHP Supported @chlins /examples/PHP

Julia Supported @matbesancon /examples/Julia

D Supported @andre2007 /examples/D

Perl Supported fx /examples/Perl

Crystal Supported @mvrilo /examples/Crystal

R Working on need your help


Binaries are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux/Unix on x86. For other architectures and platforms, follow instructions to build fx from source.

  • MacOS

brew tap metrue/homebrew-fx
brew install metrue/fx/fx

  • Linux/Unix

via cURL

# Install to local directory
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metrue/fx/master/scripts/install.sh | bash

Install to /usr/local/bin/

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metrue/fx/master/scripts/install.sh | sudo bash

fx will be installed into /usr/local/bin, sometimes you may need source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc to make fx available in $PATH.

  • Windows

You can go the release page to download fx manually;


   fx - makes function as a service

USAGE: fx [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

COMMANDS: up deploy a function down destroy a service list, ls list deployed services image manage image of service help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command

GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version

Deploy function Local Docker environment

By default, function will be deployed on localhost, make sure Docker installed and running on your server first. then type fx -h on your terminal to check out basic help.

$ fx up --name hello ./examples/functions/JavaScript/func.js

+------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | ID | NAME | ENDPOINT | +------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | 5b24d36608ee392c937a61a530805f74551ddec304aea3aca2ffa0fabcf98cf3 | /hello | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+

Remote host

Use --host to specify the target host for your function, or you can just set it to FX_HOST environment variable.

$ fx up --host roo@<your host> --name hello ./examples/functions/JavaScript/func.js

+------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | ID | NAME | ENDPOINT | +------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | 5b24d36608ee392c937a61a530805f74551ddec304aea3aca2ffa0fabcf98cf3 | /hello | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+

$ FX_KUBECONF=~/.kube/config fx up examples/functions/JavaScript/func.js --name hello

+-------------------------------+------+----------------+ | ID | NAME | ENDPOINT | +----+--------------------------+-----------------------+ | 5b24d36608ee392c937a | hello-fx | | +------------------------+-------------+----------------+

Test service

then you can test your service:

$ curl -v

GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Connection: keep-alive Host: User-Agent: HTTPie/1.0.2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 11 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 05:28:03 GMT

hello world

Use Public Cloud Kubernetes Service as infrastructure to run your functions

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

You should create a Kubernetes cluster if you don't have one on AKS, detail document can found here.

$ az group create --name <myResourceGroup> --location eastus
$ az aks create --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --name myAKSCluster --node-count <count>
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --name <myAKSCluster>

Then you can verify it with kubectl,

$ kubectl get nodes

NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-nodepool1-31718369-0 Ready agent 6m44s v1.12.8

Since AKS's config will be merged into ~/.kube/config and set to be current context after you run az aks get-credentials command, so you can just set KUBECONFIG to default config also,

$ export FX_KUBECONF=~/.kube/config  # then fx will take the config to deloy function

But we would suggest you run kubectl config current-context to check if the current context is what you want.

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) TODO

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

First you should create a Kubernetes cluster in your GKE, then make sure your KUBECONFIG is ready in ~/.kube/config, if not, you can run following commands,

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your cluster> --zone <zone> --project <project>

Then make sure you current context is GKE cluster, you can check it with command,

$ kubectl config current-context

Then you can deploy your function onto GKE cluster with,

$ FX_KUBECONF=~/.kube/config fx up examples/functions/JavaScript/func.js --name hellojs

  • Setup your own Kubernetes cluster

fx infra create --type k3s --name fx-cluster-1 --master root@ --agents 'root@,root@'

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to fx!

    </a><a href="https://github.com/muka" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/pplam" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/matbesancon" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/chlins" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/xwjdsh" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/DaidoujiChen" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/avelino" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/andre2007" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/polyrabbit" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/johnlunney" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/tbrand" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/steventhanna" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/border-radius" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/Russtopia" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/FrontMage" rel="nofollow">

    </a><a href="https://github.com/DropNib" rel="nofollow">

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