
APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.

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Latest Release (2023/10/10)

We're happy to announce the release of Pinpoint v2.5.3. Please check the release note at (

The current stable version is v2.5.3.

Live Demo

Take a quick look at Pinpoint with our demo!


Pinpoint also supports application written in PHP, Python. Check-out our agent repository.

About Pinpoint

Pinpoint is an APM (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems written in Java / PHP/PYTHON. Inspired by Dapper, Pinpoint provides a solution to help analyze the overall structure of the system and how components within them are interconnected by tracing transactions across distributed applications.

You should definitely check Pinpoint out If you want to

  • understand your application topology at a glance
  • monitor your application in Real-Time
  • gain code-level visibility to every transaction
  • install APM Agents without changing a single line of code
  • have minimal impact on the performance (approximately 3% increase in resource usage)

Getting Started


Services nowadays often consist of many different components, communicating amongst themselves as well as making API calls to external services. How each and every transaction gets executed is often left as a blackbox. Pinpoint traces transaction flows between these components and provides a clear view to identify problem areas and potential bottlenecks.
For a more intimate guide, please check out our Introduction to Pinpoint video clip.

  • ServerMap - Understand the topology of any distributed systems by visualizing how their components are interconnected. Clicking on a node reveals details about the component, such as its current status, and transaction count.

  • Realtime Active Thread Chart - Monitor active threads inside applications in real-time.

  • Request/Response Scatter Chart - Visualize request count and response patterns over time to identify potential problems. Transactions can be selected for additional detail by dragging over the chart.

  • CallStack - Gain code-level visibility to every transaction in a distributed environment, identifying bottlenecks and points of failure in a single view.

  • Inspector - View additional details on the application such as CPU usage, Memory/Garbage Collection, TPS, and JVM arguments.

  • URI-metric

  • Infrastructure

Supported Modules


Java version required to run Pinpoint:

Pinpoint Version Agent Collector Web Flink

2.0.x 6-13 8 8 8

2.1.x 6-14 8 8 8

2.2.x 7-14 8 8 8

2.3.x 7-17 8 8 8

2.4.x 7-18 11 11 11

2.5.x 8-19 11 11 11

3.0.x 8-21 17 17 17

HBase compatibility table:

Pinpoint Version HBase 1.x HBase 2.x

2.0.x yes optional

2.1.x yes optional

2.2.x yes optional

2.3.x yes hbase2-module

2.4.x yes hbase2-module

2.5.x yes hbase2-module

3.0.x no yes

Agent - Collector compatibility table:

Agent Version Collector 2.0.x Collector 2.1.x Collector 2.2.x Collector 2.3.x Collector 2.4.x Collector 2.5.x Collector 3.0.x

2.0.x yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

2.1.x no yes yes yes yes yes yes

2.2.x no no yes yes yes yes yes

2.3.x no no no yes yes yes yes

2.4.x no no no no yes yes yes

2.5.x no no no no no yes yes

3.0.x no no no no no no yes

Flink compatibility table:

Pinpoint Version Flink 1.3.X Flink 1.4.X Flink 1.5.X Flink 1.6.X Flink 1.7.X Flink 1.14.X Flink 1.18.X

2.0.x yes yes yes yes yes no no

2.1.x yes yes yes yes yes no no

2.2.x yes yes yes yes yes no no

2.3.x yes yes yes yes yes no no

2.4.x yes yes yes yes yes yes no

2.5.x yes yes yes yes yes yes no

3.0.x no no no no no no yes

Pinot compatibility table:

Pinpoint Version Pinot 0.11.0 Pinot 0.12.0 Pinot 1.0.0

2.5.x yes yes yes

3.0.x no no yes


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Pinpoint is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full license text.

Copyright 2018 NAVER Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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