
Deployment & monitoring for machine learning at scale

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Seldon Core: Blazing Fast, Industry-Ready ML

An open source platform to deploy your machine learning models on Kubernetes at massive scale.

Seldon Core V2 Now Available

Seldon Core V2 is now available. If you're new to Seldon Core we recommend you start here. Check out the docs here and make sure to leave feedback on our slack community and submit bugs or feature requests on the repo. The codebase can be found in this branch.

Continue reading for info on Seldon Core V1...


Seldon core converts your ML models (Tensorflow, Pytorch, H2o, etc.) or language wrappers (Python, Java, etc.) into production REST/GRPC microservices.

Seldon handles scaling to thousands of production machine learning models and provides advanced machine learning capabilities out of the box including Advanced Metrics, Request Logging, Explainers, Outlier Detectors, A/B Tests, Canaries and more.

High Level Features

With over 2M installs, Seldon Core is used across organisations to manage large scale deployment of machine learning models, and key benefits include:

Getting Started

Deploying your models using Seldon Core is simplified through our pre-packaged inference servers and language wrappers. Below you can see how you can deploy our "hello world Iris" example. You can see more details on these workflows in our Documentation Quickstart.

Install Seldon Core

Quick install using Helm 3 (you can also use Kustomize):

kubectl create namespace seldon-system

helm install seldon-core seldon-core-operator \ --repo \ --set usageMetrics.enabled=true \ --namespace seldon-system \ --set istio.enabled=true # You can set ambassador instead with --set ambassador.enabled=true

Deploy your model using pre-packaged model servers

We provide optimized model servers for some of the most popular Deep Learning and Machine Learning frameworks that allow you to deploy your trained model binaries/weights without having to containerize or modify them.

You only have to upload your model binaries into your preferred object store, in this case we have a trained scikit-learn iris model in a Google bucket:


Create a namespace to run your model in:

kubectl create namespace seldon

We then can deploy this model with Seldon Core to our Kubernetes cluster using the pre-packaged model server for scikit-learn (SKLEARN_SERVER) by running the kubectl apply command below:

$ kubectl apply -f - << END
kind: SeldonDeployment
  name: iris-model
  namespace: seldon
  name: iris

  • graph: implementation: SKLEARN_SERVER modelUri: gs://seldon-models/v1.18.0-dev/sklearn/iris name: classifier name: default replicas: 1 END
Send API requests to your deployed model

Every model deployed exposes a standardised User Interface to send requests using our OpenAPI schema.

This can be accessed through the endpoint http://<ingress_url>/seldon/<namespace>/<model-name>/api/v1.0/doc/ which will allow you to send requests directly through your browser.

Or alternatively you can send requests programmatically using our Seldon Python Client or another Linux CLI:

$ curl -X POST http://<ingress>/seldon/seldon/iris-model/api/v1.0/predictions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "data": { "ndarray": [[1,2,3,4]] } }'

{ "meta" : {}, "data" : { "names" : [ "t:0", "t:1", "t:2" ], "ndarray" : [ [ 0.000698519453116284, 0.00366803903943576, 0.995633441507448 ] ] } }

Deploy your custom model using language wrappers

For more custom deep learning and machine learning use-cases which have custom dependencies (such as 3rd party libraries, operating system binaries or even external systems), we can use any of the Seldon Core language wrappers.

You only have to write a class wrapper that exposes the logic of your model; for example in Python we can create a file

import pickle
class Model:
    def init(self):
        self._model = pickle.loads( open("model.pickle", "rb") )

def predict(self, X):
    output = self._model(X)
    return output</pre> 

We can now containerize our class file using the Seldon Core s2i utils to produce the sklearn_iris image:

s2i build . seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3:0.18 sklearn_iris:0.1

And we now deploy it to our Seldon Core Kubernetes Cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f - << END
kind: SeldonDeployment
  name: iris-model
  namespace: model-namespace
  name: iris

  • componentSpecs:
    • spec: containers:
      • name: classifier image: sklearn_iris:0.1 graph: name: classifier name: default replicas: 1 END
Send API requests to your deployed model

Every model deployed exposes a standardised User Interface to send requests using our OpenAPI schema.

This can be accessed through the endpoint http://<ingress_url>/seldon/<namespace>/<model-name>/api/v1.0/doc/ which will allow you to send requests directly through your browser.

Or alternatively you can send requests programmatically using our Seldon Python Client or another Linux CLI:

$ curl -X POST http://<ingress>/seldon/model-namespace/iris-model/api/v1.0/predictions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "data": { "ndarray": [1,2,3,4] } }' | json_pp

{ "meta" : {}, "data" : { "names" : [ "t:0", "t:1", "t:2" ], "ndarray" : [ [ 0.000698519453116284, 0.00366803903943576, 0.995633441507448 ] ] } }

Dive into the Advanced Production ML Integrations

Any model that is deployed and orchestrated with Seldon Core provides out of the box machine learning insights for monitoring, managing, scaling and debugging.

Below are some of the core components together with link to the logs that provide further insights on how to set them up.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>Standard and custom metrics with prometheus</b>


    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>Full audit trails with ELK request logging</b>


    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>Explainers for Machine Learning Interpretability</b>


    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>Outlier and Adversarial Detectors for Monitoring</b>


    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>CI/CD for MLOps at Massive Scale</b>


    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
        <b>Distributed tracing for performance monitoring</b>


Where to go from here Getting Started

Seldon Core Deep Dive

Pre-Packaged Inference Servers

Language Wrappers (Production)

Language Wrappers (Incubating)



Advanced Inference




About the name "Seldon Core"

The name Seldon (ˈSɛldən) Core was inspired from the Foundation Series (Scifi Novel) where it's premise consists of a mathematician called "Hari Seldon" who spends his life developing a theory of Psychohistory, a new and effective mathematical sociology which allows for the future to be predicted extremely accurate through long periods of time (across hundreds of thousands of years).

Commercial Support

We offer commercial support via our enterprise product Seldon Deploy. Please visit for details and a trial.

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