
A web application that maps out community-supported agriculture in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, based on crowdsourced data.

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Teikei is a web application and API that maps out community-supported agriculture in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, based on crowdsourced data.

It is used by


The repository is a monorepo consisting of 3 modules:

API /api

Teikei API is a Node application written with Feathers using Express as a server. It exposes a JSON REST API, data is stored in PostgreSQL. It also includes a job queue built with node-schedule.

Map /map

Teikei Map is a Single Page Application built with React and Redux. It was generated with the default create-react-app with added Sass support. Uses leaflet to display the map, feathers-client to connect to the API backend, joi for validation, superagent as a REST client.

Admin /admin

Teikei Admin allows content moderators and administrators to update and manage stored data. It connects to the same Teikei API backend application as the frontend module, but through separate Admin API endpoints. It's built with crudl.io, an open-source admin dashboard.

The monorepo makes use of yarn workspaces and lerna and provides top-level scripts to run a complete Teikei application stack with a single command and to conveniently work with all 3 modules from a single repository.

Getting started Requirements

Teikei requires node >= 18, yarn and PostgreSQL >= 9.5.

Get the code

Clone the repository and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/teikei/teikei
cd teikei
yarn install
Configure project settings

You need to create an .env file in the root directory which contains the environment variables needed to run the project. The included .env.sample file lists the variables which need to be set.

Setup PostgreSQL database

Teikei rquires Post

Running API / Map in development mode

  • To start the map application in development mode run yarn dev
  • The map frontend will be started at http://localhost:3000. The frontend express server runs on port 3000 and will proxy request to the API server on port 3030.
  • The API server will run on http://localhost:3030

Or: Running API / Admin in development mode

  • To start the admin application in development mode run yarn dev-admin
  • The admin frontend will be started at http://localhost:4000. The frontend express server runs on port 3000 and will proxy request to the API server on port 3030.
  • The API server will run on http://localhost:3030

Build for production

  • Build the project for production with yarn buildeither in the root directory to build all modules or individually in module subfolders. The build output will be copied to the /build folders of modules.

Test data

  • To create initial data, run knex seed:run inside the /api folder
  • The command will create the following test users

username password roles

superadmin@example.com admin superadmin

admin@example.com admin admin

user@example.com admin user


We use Taiga to plan upcoming features and track bugs. If you want to participate, it's probably a good idea to look for open issues there. Before working on bigger features, however, it's advisable to get in contact with us, so that we can coordinate progress a little.

Report a bug

Bugs, Issues and Feature requests can be added as issues here on Github, they will be automatically exported to our Taiga Bug tracker.

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