
Ecosystem to transform any database into a distributed database system, and enhance it with sharding, elastic scaling, encryption features & more

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Distributed SQL transaction & query engine for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database.

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Apache ShardingSphere is a distributed SQL transaction & query engine that allows for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database. Our community's guiding development concept is Database Plus for creating a complete ecosystem that allows you to transform any database into a distributed database system.

It focuses on repurposing existing databases, by placing a standardized upper layer above existing and fragmented databases, rather than creating a new database.

The goal is to provide unified database services and minimize or eliminate the challenges caused by underlying databases' fragmentation. This results in applications only needing to communicate with a single standardized service.

The concepts at the core of the project are Connect, Enhance and Pluggable.

  • Connect: Flexible adaptation of database protocol, SQL dialect and database storage. It can quickly connect applications and heterogeneous databases.
  • Enhance: Capture database access entry to provide additional features transparently, such as: redirect (sharding, readwrite-splitting and shadow), transform (data encrypt and mask), authentication (security, audit and authority), governance (circuit breaker and access limitation and analyze, QoS and observability).
  • Pluggable: Leveraging the micro kernel and 3 layers pluggable mode, features and database ecosystem can be embedded flexibly. Developers can customize their ShardingSphere just like building with LEGO blocks.

ShardingSphere became an Apache Top-Level Project on April 16, 2020.

So far, ShardingSphere has been used by over 10,000 projects on GitHub.


For full documentation & more details, visit: Docs


For guides on how to get started and setup your environment, contributor & committer guides, visit: Contribution Guidelines

Good news! We'll be taking part in Hacktoberfest 2022 🍻🎉 Hacktoberfest is for everyone.

Whether it's your first time, you're a seasoned PRO - it's almost time to get hacking, chase those pull/merge requests and complete your mission in supporting open source.

You can find the issues we've prepared for this year's Hacktoberfest here.


We deeply appreciate community contributors for their dedication to Apache ShardingSphere.


🔗 Mailing List. Best for: Apache community updates, releases, changes.

🔗 GitHub Issues. Best for: larger systemic questions/bug reports or anything development related.

🔗 GitHub Discussions. Best for: technical questions & support, requesting new features, proposing new features.

🔗 Slack channel. Best for: instant communications and online meetings, sharing your applications.

🔗 Twitter. Best for: keeping up to date on everything ShardingSphere.

🔗 LinkedIn. Best for: professional networking and career development with other ShardingSphere contributors.


✅ Version 5.4.1: released 🎉

🔗 For the release notes, follow this link to the relevant GitHub page.

🔜 Version 5.4.2

We are currently working towards our 5.4.2 milestone. Keep an eye on the milestones page of this repo to stay up to date.

How it Works

Apache ShardingSphere includes 2 independent products: JDBC & Proxy. They all provide functions of data scale-out, distributed transaction and distributed governance, applicable in a variety of situations such as Java-based isomorphism, heterogeneous language and Cloud-Native.


A lightweight Java framework providing extra services at the Java JDBC layer. With the client end connecting directly to the database, it provides services in the form of a jar and requires no extra deployment and dependence.

🔗 For more details, follow this link to the official website.


A transparent database proxy, providing a database server that encapsulates the database binary protocol to support heterogeneous languages. Friendlier to DBAs, the MySQL and PostgreSQL version now provided can use any kind of terminal.

🔗 For more details, follow this link to the official website.

Hybrid Architecture

ShardingSphere-JDBC adopts a decentralized architecture, applicable to high-performance light-weight OLTP applications developed with Java. ShardingSphere-Proxy provides static entry and all languages support, suitable for an OLAP application and sharding databases management and operation.

Through the combination of ShardingSphere-JDBC & ShardingSphere-Proxy together with a unified sharding strategy by the same registry center, the ShardingSphere ecosystem can build an application system suitable to all kinds of scenarios.

🔗 More details can be found following this link to the official website.

Solution Solutions/Features Distributed Database Data Security Database Gateway Stress Testing Data Sharding Data Encryption Heterogeneous Databases Supported Shadow Database Read/write Splitting Row Authority (TODO) SQL Dialect Translate (TODO) Observability Distributed Transaction SQL Audit (TODO) Elastic Scale-out SQL Firewall (TODO) High Availability Roadmap

How to Build Apache ShardingSphere

Check out Wiki section for details on how to build Apache ShardingSphere and a full guide on how to get started and setup your local dev environment.



Apache ShardingSphere enriches the CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape.

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